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this body February 25, 2025 practice In January 2022 I started asking people to write short statements that began with the words “This body”. It’s now a long list that is moving, ecosystemic practice research (for the benefit of others) December 1, 2023 practice An article for Dance Research in which I explore “the relationships between artistic processes, artistic works, and how we might frame these as Somatics unlimited July 15, 2023 practice On the pages of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices — and elsewhere in dance scholarship — artists, scholars, teachers and practitioners are the many practices of practice research May 26, 2023 practice On the 26th of May 2023 I presented a paper to the Dance Research Institute of the Chinese National Arts Academy, Beijing. The paper was designed to Dance after lockdown - living with paradox March 20, 2023 practice This writing explores the experiences of people in the UK’s contemporary dance sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.1 It draws on qualitative data Colin, Simon and I archive January 16, 2023 blog & practice Colin Poole and I started working together as “Colin, Simon and I” in 2009. We made politically and racially charged choreographies, and I find it Fading out the human presence: A conversation between Barbara Stimoli, Titta Raccagni and Simon Ellis December 22, 2022 practice This is a conversation between Italian artists Barbara Stimoli and Titta Raccagni with Choreographic Practices’ co-editor Simon Ellis. The Editorial: Making choreography, making community December 22, 2022 practice Amaara and Simon are choreographers who co-edit Choreographic Practices (along with Dani Abulhawa and Lee Miller). In this editorial they peer into Attention October 14, 2022 practice Everything in you will want to do the habitual thing, will want to pursue the story line. The story line is associated with certainty and comfort. Lithium Dancing (in plain sight) September 10, 2022 practice In this article I explore screendance’s affair with social media, and the logics of production and consumption endemic to dancing for and with Children of the Soil August 15, 2022 practice is a short film that emerged from a practice of falling slowly to the ground. It uses text and still and moving images in a Force Majeure February 28, 2022 practice A film by Magali Charrier and Simon Ellis Voiceover: Joanne “Bob” Whalley Force Majeure is both documentary and animation. It draws on a series of Dancing their unhappy freedoms February 10, 2022 practice A text written in collaboration with Paul Paschal that draws attention to the paradoxes and contradictions in the thinking-working-desiring-body of the body in time January 20, 2022 practice A computer desktop performance that explores the question: Where so many body-based practices are predicated on nuanced encounters with being Editorial: Shifting Dependence December 1, 2021 practice An editorial for Choreographic Practices by Lee Miller and Simon Ellis. Reference: Ellis, Simon and Lee Miller 2021. “Editorial: Shifting Cellule d’Essai 2021: A biography of sorts September 13, 2021 practice In August 2021 I was invited by Cellule d’Essai to be part of a few days of open research into choreography and dance in Lyon, France. What follows Editorial: Opposite Sides of Something July 1, 2021 practice An editorial for Choreographic Practices by Lee Miller and Simon Ellis. Reference: Ellis, Simon and Lee Miller 2021. “Editorial: Opposite Sides of lil making postcards March 6, 2021 practice A video document of Lil Boyce making Postcards from Before Supported by C-DaRE — the Centre for Dance Research — at Coventry University Editorial February 19, 2021 practice An editorial for Choreographic Practices by Lee Miller and Simon Ellis that thinks through tribalism, us and them, and sympoiesis. Reference: Ellis, chasing elvis November 20, 2020 practice A film by Hamish MacPherson and Simon Ellis Supported by C-DaRE — the Centre for Dance Research — at Coventry University midlifing November 11, 2020 practice www.midlifing.net/ Eavesdrop on two friends having serious conversations about silly things, and silly conversations about serious things. A podcast Corporeal Epistemics March 13, 2020 practice A desktop presentation exploring the datafication of experience and the ways in which choreographic practices — and the radically analogue human two people together March 4, 2020 practice A film by Simon Ellis, Igor Urzelai & Moreno Solinas. Filmed during Igor and Moreno’s Bora Bora residency at Odin Teatret in Denmark, April-May Currency of Play September 27, 2019 practice Update: in addition to this short text below, Shaun McLeod and I developed a longer document (also called Currency of Play) that was published by Full Responsibility February 8, 2019 practice Sincerity takes practice A film by Rebecca Salzer and Simon Ellis. Supported by the University of Alabama Arts and Sciences College Academy of Pause. Listen: Visibility and Freedom in Choreographic Practice January 15, 2019 practice This writing is about the working relationship between a dancer and a choreographer. In it I consider some of the ethical values of making and Between Faces November 14, 2018 practice Human practices, rhythms, and habits are all being changed by the hyper-presence of screens: we choreograph them as they choreograph us. It is now That Thing Produced June 1, 2018 practice Practice-as-research continues to struggle with its epistemic value. For the most part we seem to have stopped grappling with the complexity of what We Took Photographs May 20, 2018 practice In May 2018 Paul Hughes, Hamish MacPherson and I had an artistic residency at S’ALA in Sassari, Italy. It was an open-ended residency and we wrote a and that is what you see us by March 8, 2018 practice A performance installation by Natalia Barua, Katrina McPherson and Simon Ellis. We took photographs; a lot of photographs. We wanted to know what we some things about dance February 1, 2018 practice Some Things About Dance is a digital book. It is a collection of playful ideas or things about the art of dance. Each brief chapter is We Like Lists Because We Don’t Want to Die November 27, 2017 practice A choreography of words for ten people by Shannon Bott and Simon Ellis. We started working together as dance-artists in 2003. The collaboration not for choreographic purposes September 11, 2017 practice We all have things or people in our lives that just shouldn’t — or won’t — be used for choreographic purposes. This is a set of stickers to mark Sprawl July 8, 2017 practice A scratch performance by Shaun McLeod and Simon Ellis presented at the Dance and Somatic Practices Conference, 8 July 2017 Photos courtesy of portrait December 12, 2016 practice 52 Portraits is a project by Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion, and Hugo Glendinning. Colin, Simon and I was invited to perform a portrait in We Record Ourselves October 15, 2016 practice [single screen film (8 mins/stereo/2016) + 22 screen installation (5 mins/2016)] In 1997 film-maker Katrina McPherson tried to get a film woman is fire bearing fire June 7, 2016 practice is a 10 second film or vision that was created as part of Siobhan Davies and David Hinton’s project The Running Tongue women will always be blamed for everything June 7, 2016 practice is a 10 second film or vision that was created as part of Siobhan Davies and David Hinton’s project The Our White Friend May 21, 2016 practice is a performance project by Colin, Simon and I. It premièred at Independent Dance London on 21 May 2016. Tim Wise is an American Attitudes and Principles of Making April 1, 2016 practice This is a list of principles — or perhaps attitudes — of choreographic practice and making. The list is not exhaustive, and indeed comprises many Jealousy, Transmission and Recovery November 26, 2015 practice is an article for Performance Research that reflects on the performance project Recovery in relation to Attention, friendship and dramaturgy October 17, 2015 practice I am watching Igor and Moreno disagree — maybe even bicker — as they struggle to sort out a particular transition in the work. They are tired, and sign on the door May 21, 2015 practice Back in May 2015 The Place’s Eddie Nixon and Christina Elliot and I had an email exchange that we then presented at a symposium at Oval House in Recovery December 3, 2014 practice Absence may hover over this piece, but it is coupled with the ever-present hum of life. At the end, we are guided up to where we began, but we are Collaboration, Violence and Difference October 31, 2014 practice We are Colin Poole (UK) and Simon Ellis (NZ) - two dance artists who collaborate as Colin, Simon & I. In this chapter we reflect on the nature of Pause. Listen. September 17, 2014 practice is a dance by Chisato Ohno (dancer), Simon Ellis (choreographer), and Jackie Shemesh (designer). It is designed to adapt and change Untitled Project About Love April 25, 2014 practice A project about mundane and extraordinary instances of old love, by Bagryana Popov, Shannon Bott and Simon Ellis. The two performers are moving in, A Separation March 27, 2014 practice If it crosses the line, if it goes too far, then it should do because it’s only by going too far that we know what the limits are. — William Drew Dancing Words January 26, 2014 practice The many many words of dancing. This is an A2 sized poster, first released in 2014 and then updated in 2018. Some other information: Dancing With Myself, Oh Oh Oh September 1, 2013 practice is an attempt to draw together a number of diverse ideas about information, curation, friendship and identity, and to Look and Look Again July 1, 2012 practice are two simple short films repurposed from Inert. They were presented at the American Dance Festival’s Dancing for the Camera Because We Care June 8, 2012 practice is a performance project by Colin, Simon and I. It is about ways of relating: between men, and between audiences and performers I Think Not February 24, 2012 practice What happens when you can’t do it? That’s where the dance is. What is revealed when you can’t do it? – Deborah Hay Deborah Hay is one of the Booth: A Dance Fair November 25, 2011 practice by Simon Ellis, Amy Watson and Heather Caruso Booth: A Dance Fair comprised six dance-related activities — Solo, Social, Photo, Video, Talk and pictures November 1, 2011 practice A biography in pictures, an old piece of video, and Bach. 1 November 2011. Photographs: unknown Music: J.S. Bach — Sonata No. 3 in C Major, BWV My Name is Colin, and This is Simon January 1, 2011 practice In fragments of conversation, and in excerpts from their blog, choreographers Simon Ellis and Colin Poole talk about how their first collaborative Anamnesis (remembered) November 1, 2010 practice remembers, constructs and questions aspects of Anamnesis — a screendance project exploring memory and loss that I initiated Desire Lines September 11, 2010 practice … love, endings, and the lure of the screen A dance for two people and a camera operator. Desire Lines premièred as part of The Place Prize on 21 Leaving April 23, 2010 practice is a long duration performance presented in public spaces. It involves eight or more performers working in synchronised duets to explore the Anamnesis November 26, 2009 practice All our will, our wishes, our hope cannot stop this. Anamnesis is a screendance project by Cormac Lally (videography/editing), David Corbet (sound), Hands that don’t want anything September 8, 2009 practice A copy of a presentation for TaPRA at Plymouth University on 8 September 2009 I see her there. I remember her there. I feel her here: boisterous, Down (working title) April 22, 2009 practice He is resisting the subjective, presenting a fully wrapped package, a present, a small gift — ready to be sent. He is (he hopes) amongst friends, Tuesday January 8, 2009 practice A dance film by Simon Ellis & Tim Halliday. One man’s obsession with solitude, dance and digital memory. Music: “Red Right Hand” Written by Gertrud September 10, 2008 practice simple, imaginative and very bold — The Guardian A performed conversation through time. Gertrud is a solo performance project. It is an imagined and The Timed Body June 1, 2008 practice This is a video archive of the Flash animation. The original web materials are presented below. The Timed Body was originally developed for ‘The watching November 23, 2007 practice Watching is a performance-presentation first shown at OpenSource{VideoDance} 2007, Findhorn, Scotland on 23 November 2007. It in I explore the then/now September 28, 2007 practice is a one minute dance film. It was originally developed for ReelDance One Minute Reels in July 2007 using two imposed constraints: no Four Acts of Violence Leading Up to Now September 21, 2006 practice “we must enter into the thickness of a duration where our memories are forged” — Marie Cariou Four Acts of Violence Leading Up to Now inhabits both microflicks July 1, 2006 practice Micro50 video is two seconds/50 frames in length. A collection of moments and distilled events. The slights of mediated performance; cut, cared for, dad.project June 25, 2006 practice This is an archive of a Flash-based project built by David Corbet in 2006. The site was an open gallery designed for people to upload their own set Tight June 21, 2006 practice I saw him the other day. He looked middle aged. A bit too much weight, not quite enough hair. Nowhere near as … tight. He kept mentioning the good Inert May 10, 2006 practice Two performers Two viewers Love in two parts How close is too close? A performance about intimacy and helplessness Inert is a performance experience A Hypermedia Remembering December 1, 2005 practice Indelible: A Hypermedia Remembering (2005) examines notions of memory, remembering and representation within a movement and performance research A Little Dance September 1, 2005 practice And do the things/Ah, do the things/That we like to do Performance: Colette Arnold, Rosey Feltham, Georgie Goater, Desmond Gul, Annabel Harrison, Sleep. Wake. Dream. August 20, 2005 practice A small room. No doors. No light. Dank. Locked. No shouting. No movement. In your dream, I am breathing. And you are clenched in stillness. In my Indelible February 4, 2003 practice She sat on the bank and drank oblivion of her former life. Suppose that a young woman passing between life and death, in an imaginary liminal Lying November 21, 2002 practice She tried to hug me, I wasn’t listening. A movement and video performance developed by Simon Ellis and students of the Victorian College of the Full June 20, 2001 practice With Full, independent dance choreographer Simon Ellis has crafted a minutely detailed and effectively flawless dance installation. – Ben Zipper undone years May 18, 2000 practice I am the enemy you killed, my friend. A movement theatre work by Simon Ellis and first year students of the Victoria College of the Arts. Presented Semi-detached (Poss. 2nd bdrm.) November 17, 1999 practice Just as we are shaped and influenced by where we live, and what it is that we call ‘home’, Semi-detached (poss. 2nd bdrm) is the result of Touch August 7, 1998 practice Distance | Proximity | Voice | Movement Design, choreography & performance: Simon Ellis Voice: Christine Sullivan Slide Design & Projection: Gabby