In January 2022 I started asking people to write short statements that began with the words “This body”. It’s now a long list that is moving, complex and alive.
In the last year I began thinking about how to share these statements. My colleague Rosemary Lee loaned me her mother’s Olivetti typewriter and I took out the printer ribbon, bought some 150gsm blank postcards and started typing or imprinting the statements into the cards.
The texts are hard to see but if you play with the card in the light they become clear.
This week — in February 2025 — I started sending the cards back to people who asked me to do so, as well as some others as small gifts.
Below are two examples, lit from the side and then made black and white in post-production.
If you would like to send in a This body statement just email me.
Supported by C-DaRE — the Centre for Dance Research — at Coventry University.