
stockdale paradox

You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end — which you can never afford to lose — with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

– James Stockdale

Source: https://innovationandcreativityinstitute.com/stockdale-paradox

Up next hands that don’t want anything Back in 2009 I gave a presentation called Hands that don’t want anything at TaPRA at the University of Plymouth. It was about dancing with Kirstie bits of unsolicited advice I recently read Kevin Kelly’s ‘Excellent Advice for Living’ and liked the following pieces of wisdom: The perfect kind of art to display in your
Latest posts this body socratic questions hiatus the end of nature thinking like a consumer eliminate the friction Look and Look Again astray awkwardly sign on the door ask nature ecosytemic practice research self portrait as time the comfort/chaos circle things will have to change ladder of inference physical connection berry on minimalism stimming the body isn’t a thing postcards no country your morals eating irritating in others awakened transfiguration bits of unsolicited advice stockdale paradox hands that don’t want anything singing and dancing losing oneself